
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

This snowy weather has resulted in poor traveling conditions [which means another day spent with my nose in various cookie tins]. Instead of going shopping, my mom and I have decided to make this amazing bread we have for breakfast on Christmas morning. It's a risen bread with lots of candied fruits, which were soaked in rum [delicious!]. Hopefully I won't scarf down too many goodies today, I've already had some scrumptious whole milk yogurt, cereal, a whole wheat roll, a truffle and a massive handful of Carmel corn [SOMEONE CUT ME OFF!!!] Does your family have any interesting Holiday traditions? [aka: GIVE ME DELICIOUS RECIPES!]
One more rant of the day...
My apologies if you're really into hauls [and looking at everything I own in my closet]. If that's you, I want to come out and say I'm against doing "hauls" [wait! don't feed me to the wolves yet!] I feel that hauls are just bragging. I think that it's different when you buy something really special and you'd like to share it with everyone, or you want to show something you got at some super sale, or if you're doing a review on an item. Those are productive hauls and they make sense. People like to see what other people buy. I get it. In my opinion, I just feel awkward sitting in front of my camera saying 'I bought this top for 45 dollars, blahblahblah it is soooo cool'. I DO really like hauls of vintage clothing. The clothing is unique and it's fun to see something you won't find at F21, HM, Top Shop, UO, etc. Posting a few pictures of items recently purchased isn't horrible. A video is overkill.
Happy eating!
xo, G

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